In biology class we read an article on organ transfers. In the article the basic message i got was that if you save one life by an organ transplant another life will die. So by that i would like to know, wouldn't you want to save and innocent life with the potential to make a difference?
In class we did a project and i was the policy maker, which meant i had to choose who out of my patients got the liver. In my group of patients i had a elementary school teacher in his 40's, a husband advocating for his sick wife in her 50's, a Elderly man in his 80's, and a mother of three children in her 40's. Each patient all wanted and needed the liver, but there was only one liver to be given out. In class i listened to my group of patients explain why they need the liver. In the end of class i had a lot of thinking to do. I decided to base my decision on age, family, and the contribution to the public. I was left with three out of four patients, the husband, the mother, and the elementary school teacher, next i went by children, and was left with the mother, and the elementary school teacher. Then I really couldnt choose so i did a random draw. The mother got the liver. Now just to be clear this was a class project, but it felt so real, so real that i actually cried when one my patients told their story. After this project i truely believe that organ donations should be taken very seriously and should be given to the right candidate but who are we to say who is a right candidate and who isnt? This project really challenged my thinking in ways i really cant explain... Thank you